Benefits of Using an SSAIB Certified Provider
As an SSAIB certified provider, we offer BS7858/Screening of individuals working in secure environments. Our recently successful re-assessment demonstrates the high standards that we set and achieve to ensure our customers receive the best service possible.
The SSAIB is a certification body whose remit is to look out for the interests of consumers. By enforcing strict quality and performance standards, any certified provider has met those standards as assessed by an impartial third party. Assessments are done annually to provide customers with reassurance that we are operating effectively while complying with legal requirements such as GDPR.
Our accreditation is all about the BS 7858 Screening of Individual Working in a Security Environment. This standard gives the recommendation for the vetting and screening of individuals working and is a normative reference for the above standards, which means that firms are required to follow this standard as well as the sector specific standards in line with our SSAIB and UKAS certification.
Our screening and vetting services involve processing highly sensitive personal data, which is why we apply the same high standards to all checks we conduct.
We at Secure Checks Ltd are always proud of our certifications and accreditations.
If you would like any further information please contact our sales staff by emailing [email protected]