How long does a BS7858 vetting process takes?

How long does a BS7858 vetting process takes?

At Secure Checks Ltd, we’re dedicated to expediting this process to ensure that we propel your checks through the vetting process, targeting 30 days to return your completed BS7858 Standard completed report.

Why does BS7858 take so long?

The process is not automatically long drawn out. Some candidates present with a more complex set of circumstances that others. With the security of your organisation and the country at stake, we pay due diligence to every candidate to ensure that you can have confidence in every check returned within 30 days.

There are several factors that contribute to this timeline and we work tirelessly to expedite the process, without compromising on thoroughness.

In this article, we’ll explore the BS7858 timeline and review how we’ll move your candidates through the BS7858 vetting process.

3 Key Takeaways

  • Secure Checks Ltd offers a cost-effective and efficient solution for BS7858 vetting checks.
  • The BS7858 service provided by Secure Checks Ltd UK ensures compliance with the standards and offers a fast turnaround time of 30 days.
  • Limited Screenings should be completed within 72 hours ensuring that the applicant is out on site in a speedy manner.

Understanding the BS7858 Vetting Process

To understand the BS7858 vetting process, you need to understand the specific requirements and steps that are involved in screening potential employees for sensitive positions. The vetting process includes verifying five years of employment history, conducting a five-year credit search to assess financial stability, requiring proof of ID and the right to work in the UK, Global sanctions, Directorship verification and HRMRC National Insurance contributions verification.

Additionally, proof of address and a valid SIA license or basic disclosure/ACPO check are mandatory. It’s important to note that employers are required to maintain a screening file for each individual for seven years after they stop working with your organisation. They must also explain any break in employment of more than 31 days and provide documentary proof, such as utility bills and bank statements, to cover employment gaps.

Complying with the BS7858 standard can be challenging for smaller companies in terms of cost and administrative difficulties. Outsourcing the vetting process to an experienced company, like Secure Checks Ltd delivers cost efficiencies and ensures compliance with strict regulations. In understanding the specific requirements and steps involved in the BS7858 vetting process, you can more effectively screen potential employees for sensitive positions.

Average Time Frame for BS7858 Vetting

At Secure Checks Ltd, we work on turnaround times of returning the check within 30 working days at a 96% completion rate. The BS7858 check relies heavily on third party information. Where 100% is non-negotiable, we can continue the screening process to secure a 100% return at clients’ discretion. The vast majority of Secure Checks Ltd UK clients prefer to move forward within the 30 days’ timeframe.

Tips to Expedite the BS7858 Vetting Process

To speed up the BS7858 vetting process, here are key insights that can help you reduce the timeline:

  • First, make sure that you have fully explained to your new employee that they have to go through the BS7858 vetting process.
  • Explain that national Vetting Solutions will be performing their screening to BS7858 standard.
  • Ensure that they have ordered their HMRC 5 year statement, you can supply the applicant with this link which shows guides to order via telephone, login and download their HMRC statement.
  • Fully explain that any gaps in their employment will have to be covered with documented evidence such as Payslips, Bank statement etc.
  • Make sure that they have collated their ID document (Passport) address document etc before starting their vetting application form.


In conclusion, the duration of the BS7858 vetting process can vary depending on several factors such as the complexity of the individual’s background, the accuracy and completeness of the information provided, and any potential delays in obtaining necessary documents or references.

However, by following tips to expedite the process and ensuring efficiency in the vetting procedures, we can help to minimise delays and streamline the hiring timeline.

If you would like any further information please contact our sales staff by emailing [email protected]

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